Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Un train peut en cacher un autre

(A train can hide another one)

Today I took Oskar to the pediatrician as a follow up. Objective was to get the green light for returning to school.

Our plan was compromised by fever during the night. Apparently now Oskar has a sore throat and needs antibiotics. His lungs are clear but not the throat.

Will this ever end? 
I know that the first year at school is usually filled with child diseases. I heard the stories of others back in Europe going from one cold to the other when their child started day care especially in the winter. But with the warm weather in Singapore I was hoping we would escape from this. Apparently I was wrong. 

1 comment:

Elvis said...

klingt nach Pseudokrupp.
Inhalieren ist überaus sinnvoll und bei Kleinkindern gab es hier eine Notfallmedikament.