Monday, January 25, 2016

School bus weird feeling

Oskar has been taking the bus to school for a week now. 
First day, Monday, I ended up in the bus with him. As much as he was excited to take the bus, the moment he realized I was not coming, there were tears.
Same story in day two and Wolfram rode the minivan with Oskar.
Wednesday, Wolfram was strong and put a crying Oskar in the bus alone. Teacher confirmed he had stopped crying by the time he reached school. We were relieved. 
Thursday and Friday, Oskar went in the bus without any drama. Just looking sad.

This morning, Oskar eagerly climbed in the van barely kissing me goodbye. While I'm proud that he takes the bus by himself and adjusted to it in less than a week, inside it breaks my heart. My baby is not a baby anymore. I was told that the first two years kids really depend on you and after two they need you less. In the stressful moments of the first months I was looking forward to having Oskar more independent. Now that it is happening, I understand why people say that you miss those first two years when they are over. Better enjoy the time with Thomas before it's over too.

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