Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Jet lag

Although they slept in the plane, both Oskar and Thomas are jet lagged. 

We spent nearly two hours getting the two back to sleep at 2am. Thomas woke up. We fed him and Wolfram tried to get him back to sleep several times until he was down for good.
Oskar woke up a bit after Thomas and decided he did not want to sleep throwing a tantrum in the middle of the night. I stood in his room for one hour until he was quiet enough for me to leave. This kid sure has a strong will and is never missing an opportunity to show it. I was struggling to stay awake and I am not 100% sure I did not sleep a bit although standing.

Unlike the kids, the parents barely slept in the plane and are exhausted. Sadly for them, two little boys have decided not to let them sleep. But revenge there will be... When we wake them up in the morning :)

It's 3:30am, both are sleeping for 15min now. Maybe we can get to bed before its pumping time again at 6am.

Good night, hopefully.

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