Saturday, December 19, 2015

First time out without the kids

Today, for the first time since Thomas was borne, Wolfram and I left the house to go to the movies without kids!!!

My parents and Daad offered to babysit so we took the opportunity. 
We went to watch the latest Star Wars because there was no way we could miss it. Surprisingly there was a cinema in Brest showing the movie in original version. We thought we would have to wait until Paris but got lucky.
We went in the afternoon as we would have never survived a late night one (offer is limited in Brest when it comes to original version and we are still missing a lot of sleep) but still we made it outside of the house alone. 

Theater was not full and the audience was 90% male and mostly students (who else has time to go to the movies in the afternoon on a weekday?) for this new episode. 

Not only was it great to have some time alone, but on top the movie was pretty good. I had low expectations based on the second trilogy so I was positively surprised. There was enough elements of the original trilogy to make it Star Wars and at the same time some  novelty and the seeds for the next episodes. Disney did a pretty good job I have to say. 

Now I'm curious to see what they will do in the next round.

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