Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Second day at pre-school

The second day started better. Oskar was in a good mood. Well until he realized that he had to go back to the pre-school. On the doorstep he suddenly refused to move and did not want to leave me. It does not help that they want to measure his temperature and check his throat. Some regulation asks them to do so to make sure no sick kid would attend school. Given the little girl who had a runny nose yesterday was not here today, I am not sure it really worked. I'm counting days until Oskar is sick.

The beginning of the morning was tough as Oskar would not let go of me. It got better when they brought games. It was rainy so no outdoor play but they played with balls inside. He would go play just checking that I was still around every now and then. I started to hope that he was getting into it.

The lunch was a complete disaster. Oskar did not like it and I can't blame it as it was tasteless. Menu was rice noodles with a tiny bit of chicken and green vegetable. Clearly he won't get his portion of proteins and vitamins from this and we will have to compensate at home. Staff was arguing that he needs to get used to it because they assume that he is not used to Asian food. I argued that he would eat if the food was good. Like for every canteen, food is not good. Not that this is surprising. Anyhow Oskar has been labelled a fussy eater. So friendly of the staff.

Today I had Agnes joining me so she could learn the way and get familiar with dropping Oskar at the school. When she came back I asked her to bring some carrots for Oskar. He ate the whole thing up. Poor kid was hungry and after his nap, he ate watermelon, yogurt and cake. Dinner was much bigger than usual as well. 

The rest of the day was as normal. He napped. He played. He laughed. He took long for him to go to sleep but I guess he's processing what's happening. 
Let's see how tomorrow goes. 

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