Saturday, March 8, 2014

They are everywhere

Today I came across another of one of those "top 10". This time it was about Brittany. More precisely, the top 10 reasons why Britons will invade the world (Top 10 des raisons de penser que les Bretons vont conquérir le monde). While I had a good laugh reading the different reasons, I realized the obvious.
Britons won't invade the world... they already have. Wherever you go, you will find people from Brittany proudly representing their region (mostly with crepes and cider, their "A l'aise Breizh" sticker and explaining that the Mont Saint-Michel is in Brittany), never missing an opportunity to pull out their Gwenn-ha-du (that's the flag from Brittany). 
Flag, that I, of course, have at home, in Singapore :)
If I had a car, my sticker would be on it for sure (as it was on my Micra).

Find out more here.

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