Saturday, July 6, 2013

Birth plan

During the prenatal class this week people mentioned their birth plan. Apparently one should have a birth plan that states all the decisions related to the delivery: type of pain relief, position, who attends, recording, tough choices should they be needed, and plenty more. The idea is to have thought about everything in advance so that on the day itself we know what to do and don't waste time thinking about things. In other words we can focus on the birth and not worry about anything else.
This sounds very smart so after consulting several sources we brought a list of items to be discussed to our doctor's appointment today.
Patiently she listened to all our questions and we discussed the different items. We now have a birth plan and Wolfram knows what is the first thing he needs to ask, once he's done with registration: making sure I get the epidural!
We are still more than two months away so we have still a lot of time to decide about cord blood banking. But apart from that everything else is clarified in our birth plan :)

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