Friday, November 23, 2012

The rings

Earlier this week Wolfram received a call. It was the jewelry shop. Our wedding rings had arrived!
Tonight we went to pick them up.
As it is the custom in jewelry shops in Singapore, which by now we know by heart, we were asked to sit down and were offered a cup of tea while they were bringing the rings.
Finally they were there. We quickly put them on and...
... mine was perfect.
... Wolfram's was too big :( really too big.
I guess some of the 5kg he lost since in Singapore were located in the fingers. It could also be the effect of temperature making fingers larger or slimmer. Anyhow his ring was too big.
We spent another half hour drinking more tea and trying out different sizes to find the right one. They will order a smaller one and we hope it can be there before we leave for Belgium. If not, we will do the ceremony with that ring and get the final one when back in Singapore in January.
Keep your fingers crossed that it will arrive on time.

And because we spent a lot of money on them we received gifts with the rings:
- a ring pillow, which we don't need because my aunt is taking care of it
- a guestbook, which we didn't have yet so it's one thing less to buy before the wedding
- a bottle a champagne from I don't know where which in principle is a very nice gift in Singapore given the price of alcohol.
All of this got us to wonder by how much we overpaid our rings. Anyway it felt like Christmas in advance.
As for the engraving, we can have up to 22 characters, space included. Any suggestion?

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