Monday, May 28, 2012

Who would have said that one day I'll have 4 medals for sports

Sport has never been my cup of tea when I was a kid. I recall my parents enrolling me to every sport they could think of hoping I would maybe show some talent. That never happened.
While most kids were improving their grades thanks to sports, I was losing points and hated it.

Yesterday night I put my 20K medal in the drawer with the others, and I realized. The otherS, yes plural. In the past year I walked 4 different races and received a medal for it. True anyone who participated and finished the race got a medal. True I didn't finish in the top 10 (or 100, or even 1000).
BUT for the first time in my life I feel proud about my performance in a sport. And that's very unusual, yet satisfying.
Over the past couple of years I've finally found two sports I like doing: walking and swimming.
Swimming is probably linked to the fact it helps my back and keeps me in shape. Most likely as well because I've always preferred sea over mountain.
Walking is different. Walking requires training, effort and a lot more motivation. 4 times, we've set an objective and we've achieved it.

Dear Alice, thanks for being crazy enough to enroll yourself with me last year for our first race and even more for doing it again, and again, and again.
Yes we suffer, yes we bitch about it and ask ourselves why are we doing this, but once we're done, it feels good, so good we already start thinking about the next one.  

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