Friday, May 11, 2012

The Avengers

Another movie I could have skipped but it was Wolfram's birthday night so I patiently watched it for 2 hours and 23 minutes.
Despite a crash course on Marvel super heroes just before the movie so I could understand better the tensions between them, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep during the first half. Yes these are different heroes, with different sets of super powers and different stories BUT how come a movie about them can be so boring. That's probably the biggest mystery.
Second half was a bit better, i.e. once they decided to overcome their differences and fight as a team.
The thing is that the story was predictable and there were too many references to other movies (like Stargate, Transformers, Superman, etc.), and apart from a few jokes here and there, it was VERY long.
I guess that's what they called "marriage"... you don't always get to pick the movie :)

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