Monday, October 3, 2011

Are you ready?

1 week to go and the question I keep hearing is “are you ready?”
I guess we are. We trained hard, sometimes more successfully than others, but we kept on training.
We are motivated which is probably the most important element.
So let’s see what will happen on Sunday. Hopefully we’ll make it in less than 3 hours.
Even more importantly we hope not to be the last ones. Given we will be walking when the majority will be running, so we just hope we won’t be the ones just before the “end of race” car.
Wish us luck!


Anonymous said...

good luck!

CHRistIAN said...

Paris ist so eine schöne, spannende, interessante, pulsierende, charmvolle, traumhafte und noch viel mehr lebenswerte Stadt - rennt nicht zu schnell!
viel Glück für den Versuch, besser zu werden!
Herzliche Grüße von Christian