Saturday, September 10, 2016

Thomas is attending the pre-zouzous class

Thomas is now old enough to attend the pre-zouzous class at the Alliance francaise. Following the footsteps from Oskar, Thomas had his first session today. He was the youngest one of the group and clearly a bit unsure about what to do but he didn't cry of complain. He observed quietly and kept on trying to sit at the table. 
It will get better as he attends more classes and start to interact. It's the sand teacher as for Oskar so she is very attentive to him which is nice. 
I'm really happy those classes exist for toddlers giving us the chance to expose Thomas to more French and hopefully have some fun in the future. 

My only regret is that now only one parent can go, which makes it difficult to take pictures while participating. I'll try to do better next time. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have just signed up my daughter for the class, wondering if its better for the French speaking parent to accompany. I dont speak french but would love to be exposed a bit to the language as well, but this is more for my kid so wondering what is better me or my husband (french speaking) to accompany. Thank You!