Thursday, September 1, 2016

A day at the white sand beach

In most resorts, you can get a day pass to access the beach and the pool. Today we made use of this system. Wolfram arranged for passes for the Laguna, the resort where we stayed a few years back. The place has not changed much. We arrived there a bit before 10am, sun was not too hot and in no time everybody was in the lagoon. The day simply passed by with time in the sea, playing in the sand, having a long lunch while Thomas took his nap in the improvised bed from Wolfram, and some ice cream.
It is somehow stressful to do a day trip like that with the kids as it takes some planing and logistics to make sure everybody will have food and drink, changes of clothes, swimsuits, toys for the beach, and so on.
But it's totally worth it.

We are in the car driving back, stuck in traffic. Both kids are sleeping. We will be home late, they will be grumpy when they wake up but it won't matter because we had such a great day. 

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