Saturday, September 12, 2015

It feels easier this time

Thomas has been home for two days now and overall it feels easier than the first two days with Oskar. 
He sleeps a lot which might change as the effect of the epidural wears off and he becomes more alert. He is already in a two and a half to three hours feeding rythm which is great for us.

He seems to get enough milk when he is hungry. Unlike with Oskar when we had no idea of what to do, this time I started using the pump at the hospital to stimulate milk production from day 1 as Thomas was still too sleepy after the birth to suck. And that paid off as I'm already producing milk which is a huge improvement compare to Oskar when it took 5 days and left us with a starving baby.

Maybe the simple fact to know what's coming makes things easier. Thomas and Oskar are different but some baby needs are universal so knowing about them makes a huge difference.

Let's keep fingers crossed that it continues like that. 

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