Sunday, February 15, 2015

Chinese New Year dinner celebration at work

Last Friday night was the annual celebration dinner from work held around Chinese New Year.
Practically it means they book a huge room in a hotel in Singapore, often on Sentosa, someone picks a theme for outfits (only if you cannot come with your traditional outfit from your country. In that case it's easy, you can simply wear the same kimono or sari every year), the new hires will make a small performance, there will be some sort of games to entertain us as we go through all the courses of a traditional Chinese New Year dinner.

Bottom line, it's all very predictable and consequently a bit boring. But we still go because there might be a bit of fun here and there to save the night.

This year the theme was 1920s. Most foreigners came with something linking to 1920s. In my case I had bought some fancy feathers to put on my head. Wolfram went has himself.
There was a booth were you could get your silhouette cut. Both of us went and the outcome is quite nice.
In case you wonder, Wolfram did not get feathers growing on his head.

Every year Wolfram says it's the last time we go, but every year I manage to convince him to give it another shot.
Let's see what they will come up with next year.

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