Friday, April 18, 2014


We have decided to kill the night feed. 

In other words, tonight we put Oskar to bed and we let him sleep. We don't wake him up at 22:30 for the night feed. We simply let him sleep and hope he will sleep through the night.

That's either the beginning of longer nights again or the best way to screw up our three-day weekend with the return of the 3am wake up call.

I want to believe Oskar will sleep through.
Wolfram is more doubtful.
Let's see tomorrow morning who was right.

Edit at 23:10:
We were both wrong. He woke up at 23:10. Seems his brain was expecting something. We hold the ground and put him back to sleep.

Edit at 0:40:
Here we go again. It's going to be a very long night... and maybe we should stick with our normal routine.

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