Sunday, April 20, 2014


First time was at 1:30am.
Second time was at 3am.
Third time was around 5am.
Fourth time was at 6:30am.

Let's call the last one the final call of a long night with Oskar waking up. It would have been nice if he had slept until seven so we would have had the full series of uneven numbers: 1-3-5-7.
We believe he is teething although there is nothing coming out yet. And with that comes the end of several months with six, sometimes seven, hours of continuous sleep. I should have appreciated them more when I had them.

We are both  exhausted. Part of me is happy this started during the Easter weekend so we didn't have to go to work. Yet, I wonder, what will happen if he cries again tonight. It's going to be one painful Monday morning.

Why isn't teething happening only during 8am and 8pm? Let's stretch it until 10pm. Wouldn't that be much better for everyone?

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