Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Packing time

Today is second day of packing.
Today the movers came with two extra guys.
Right now as I write those lines, four men are busy in the apartment finishing packing everything we have. Well almost everything as a big part of it is in our numerous suitcases and backpacks. We have to keep the most important close to us.
It is a bit surreal to see one's life being pack so quickly.
It is impressive how cat hair really get everywhere. Each time they lift a piece of furniture, half a Mokka is coming from behind :) which reminds me how much I miss my kitty-cats.
It's fascinating to see the container outside and think that all our belongings will fit in there by the end of the day.

PS: Wolfram has plenty of spare time for pictures, thus I leave it to him. I still have a couple of reports to read before I close things in Belgium.

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