Saturday, June 26, 2010

Brushing the cat

Today, in an attempt to reduce the number of cat hair flying around in the house, I grabbed a brush and decided to brush Muffin and Mokka. The first lucky cat was Muffin who happened to be nicely resting on the terrace. Quietly, slowly, I approached him and started to brush. At first he was not very sure what I was trying to do and was a bit surprised.

But quickly, he started to enjoy the brushing and you could hear him purring from far away. He enjoyed it so much he was following me asking for me whenever I would stop. It even became an opportunity to play.

One should not forget the final touch.
I am very proud of me as I do find that his fur is softer to touch and also shinier :)

Measurable success (yes, in 15 minutes of brushing you can remove that much hair from a cat). Note that Muffin also enjoyed the "hard" side of the brush. Seems he likes it rough :)

Now key challenge is to convince Mokka to do the same. First attempts with her were not as successful as with Muffin. She doesn't seem to like it very much. But let's see what we can do.

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