Saturday, August 21, 2010

Prague - THE Clock

What are we talking about:
"Founded in 1338. On its tower there is the famous horologe from early 15th century, in the upper part of which, 12 apostles appear every hour between 9am and 9pm. In the lower part there is a calendar board containing zodiac signs by Josef Manes (1865)"

What it looks like:
- From top to bottom

- The upper part

- The lower part

- The statues around the clock

- and the famous apostles... now this is when you need to look carefully because there are very small and just pass by. They don't come out at all... just the shutter that opens revealing them.

I have to say it was a bit of a disappointment. Maybe because I was expecting something like the one at It's a small world from Disneyland...
Despite that there is not much to see, everybody gathers to see the apostles.
From the tower, that's what you can observe:
- 10min before time

- 5min before time

- 1min before time

- Show time! Everybody is looking up or taking pictures.

PS: That's the lucky view you get from the top of the tower, right next to the man playing the trumpet at the exact hour.

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