Saturday, January 28, 2017

New year, new house set up

Last year, we took the opportunity of the Chinese New Year break to do potty training with Oskar. One year after, I have to say Oskar has been doing pretty well, even when traveling. We have a few wet pants now and then but mostly because he was too distracted while playing or realized too late that he had to go.
This year, we played with the thought of removing the night diaper. That one is still there and based on the wet bed sheets from the school pretty much every time Oskar is taking a nap, it does not look like Oskar was ready to sleep without diaper. So we considered and then decided that it might take more than three days to complete the transition and I was not so keen at the idea of spending the weekend washing bed sheets.

So we opted for our second idea to occupy the long weekend. No, we did not go to some beach resort and relax. That would have been too good for us. We decided to move Thomas' cot into Oskar's room and make the boys sleep together. For one month in Europe they shared a room and it worked pretty well. The advantage being that we can use the second room as a playroom / guest room.

Furniture moved around the rooms many times until we settled on one scenario. It might still change in the future as we use the space, but for the moment we have reached an acceptable set up hopefully functional.

Thomas was a bit puzzled on the location of the toys as he kept on coming back to their previous one. Eventually he will figure it out. Oskar on the other hand was super excited to share his room with his brother and have a bigger space to play. Now he still needs to realize that it is no longer his room but their room.

They are both sleeping and we keep our fingers crossed that it will last the whole night.

Happy Chinese New Year everybody!

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