Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday mornings are difficult for everybody

Monday mornings are difficult for everybody including a 3-year old toddler. For a little over a month now, every Monday morning Oskar does not want to get up, nor eat, nor get dressed, nor go to the toilet, nor put his shoes, nor take the school bus... Anything that indicates going to school and he refuses to do it.
Somehow two days of weekend convince him every week that it is much better than going to school. A couple of weeks ago there was celebration at school on the Monday so kids had to be dressed in red and white. The fact that he was not wearing his uniform was enough to tell him that there was no school that day. I let you imagine the tantrum he made that day when he had to get to the school bus.
Once the routine is back, everything is fine. We just need to power through the Monday morning which sadly happens every week.

At least Thomas is finally better. He does not know Monday mornings yet, so today after a good night of sleep (the first one since Wednesday), he was all smiles. 

On the positive side of things, this Monday morning is over. One week break  until the next one :)

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