Monday, February 8, 2016

Potty training - round 3

After two unsuccessful attempts with potty training, we had put it on hold with the birth of Thomas and the big trip to Europe.

Lately Oskar has been showing some interest again to use the toilet. I even witnessed him peeing in the toilet once after the shower - an incredible moment of pride :)
Chinese New Year holiday granting us a long weekend, we decided to try again.

Saturday afternoon, after the swimming pool, I offered underwear to Oskar and he said no. He insisted on wearing his diaper. 
Sunday afternoon, same story.
Monday morning, we started using the potty with the diaper on until I convinced him to try one of the underwears, just to see how it feels. It must have felt good because he kept it on. 
Well, until he peed. 

We changed underwear and pants which did not last long either.

Third underwear we decided to skip the pants so it's easier to pull down when it's time. 
And then a miracle happened.
After asking several times if he needed to go, at some point he went by himself and  peed in the potty! 
Oskar successfully peed the rest of the day in the potty all by himself. There was a small incident in this perfect sequence but overall if feels like he is ready to say goodbye to diapers, at least during the day. 
He even granted us with a poop which looking at it reminded me of Japanese curry which I will most likely never eat again. 

We will continue tomorrow and if successful we will send him to school without diaper on Wednesday. Without diaper but with lots of pants. 

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