Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A visit to Tante Anna

Tante Anna is my aunt who lives in Belgium. As we were in the country we grabbed the opportunity to visit her. 
As usual there was a great roast beef (Belgian beef please) waiting for us, topped up with her home made waffles (which recipe we all want to get) and plenty of gifts for Oskar. He received an owl that my aunt knitted and a music box.

We all had a good time and it was great to see her and hear her stories about her recent trip to the us... the first one in maybe 30 years!

For those who wonder, the toilets are still outside and going there in the winter is quite a challenge. But a visit to my aunt's would not be complete without a visit to the legendary toilets across the yard from the farm. 

And yes, these are Oskar's new shoes. Still learning how to walk with them but making huge progress every step.

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