Friday, May 2, 2014

Sleepless in Singapore

Since Easter Oskar has been waking up several times at night. After several months of him nicely sleeping at least until 7am, this is not exactly delighting the parents.
First we thought it was teething but then found out he was actually sick. 
Once Roseola was cured, he didn't get back to his normal sleeping habit. The first tooth did come out so it might have been teething after all.
But after two weeks of sleepless nights, I wonder what else can it be.
A quick search on our good friend Google gave me several options: teething, development milestone, separation anxiety, night terror, environmental conditions, and many more. It seems there are lots of reasons for a 7-month baby to wake up at night although he was not doing it before.
What's the solution to that? All the expert advice inevitably end up in the same place: once you've fixed everything that's fixable, hold tight and wait until this phase passes. It should not last longer than four weeks.
That's reassuring. Only two more weeks to go :(

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