Saturday, January 28, 2012

An ice breaker game that used to be a personality test

In a recent brainstorming session, we started the day by a little ice breaker game.
Here it is:
- Draw the first image that comes up into your mind on each box.
- After each drawing describe it with an adjective
Given I've never been good at drawing, this little exercise stressed me more than anything else I could have started the day with.
Until we were told that it was a personality test, and that each drawing had a meaning.
Answers: from left to right 1st row boxes- 1. describes how you see yourself, 2. describes how others see you, from left to right 2nd row boxes- 1. describes your childhood, 2. describes your love life, from left to right 3rd row boxes- 1. describes your future, 2. descrbies your job.

I don't really believe in those type of tests , but I have to say, this one was pretty spot on, for most people in the room.
We did laugh a lot at our answers ;)

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