Saturday, May 21, 2011

Looks like you’re deep in the Belgian bush :)

Message I received on my phone right when Alice and I were walking in the middle of a field.

Let’s take one step back.

Alice and I decided to go for a walk. Active walk to try to eliminate the excellent burger Wolfram made for lunch. Equipped with a phone and water we left the house around 13:45.
We walked nicely in the countryside behind the house exploring paths, following more or less signs for either walking or biking path. Until one point.

We took a left and after some time in the wood we ended up in a field. We could see the road further away and decided to simply walk across. Except on the opposite side there was an electrical cable (we assumed to keep the cows in) which we quickly decided to step over.
But, just after was a little stream, some 1.5m down. Remembering Mulu National Park we considered just walking through it. However this is Belgium so we assumed if we follow the stream we’ll get to a point where we can cross. Didn’t happen. Actually we hit another electrical fence. So we walked back through the field and its high grass getting scratches on our legs and sneezing because we’re allergic to some of that grass.

Right then, a SMS arrived: “Looks like you’re deep in the Belgian bush :)”
(forgot that Wolfram has a tracking system)
Looking around us, there was indeed no better way to describe the situation: 2 girls finding their way through 1m high wild grass.

Note: we made it home safe and sound. Well, only with many many red dots on the legs, which will hopefully go away

PS: I promised Alice to get hold of the map of the area to avoid going into the Belgian bush in the future.

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