Sunday, September 8, 2013

A few degrees less

This week it's been raining a lot. Instead of the usual daily thunderstorm, we've been experiencing rain two or three times a day. However it is not yet the rainy season in Singapore (only starting in November). So what is this?
Apparently it's to some extent a bit of monsoon. Normally Singapore is not really impacted by monsoon, but this year it seems different.
What doe sit mean for us?
We clearly should not forget our umbrella because when it rains it rains hard.
On the positive note, instead of a constant sauna, temperature is maximum 30-31C which is very pleasant. No more sweating in the morning as soon as you get out of the house. Less sweating during the day as it's not as hot. Nutella is less liquid. True the frequent rain is limiting the access to terraces and the pool, but overall it's pleasant to have a few degrees less.
Even more when you have to carry around tadpole for another week (or two).

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