Saturday, August 11, 2012

Walking up the aisle

Last night we met with the organist who will play at our wedding. She advised us on what music to play for the different moments of the ceremony.
Then she asked us to go down in the church just to practice the "walking up the aisle".

How hard can this be?

Well, harder than we thought because the aisle is not very long in the church and apparently this is THE moment that needs to be perfect. In other words, the bride has to enter the church at the right moment on the music.
First time, too fast.
Second time, too slow.
Third time, getting there but still had to rush the last steps.
Fourth time, I arrived on the last notes but it didn't feel right.
Fifth time, the organist suggested to repeat one passage of the music so fits better. And it did.
Sixth time, just to confirm the repetition of the passage works well.

Something tells me we need to plan a practise run the day before with all the people who have to walk up the aisle to make sure we all enter and arrive at the altar on the right notes, especially me and my dad.

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