Saturday, November 14, 2009


Daad is visiting me and the two of us couldn't miss the release of 2012. After all she is the one who got me into disaster movies (although we usually watched them on TV vs. in the movies).
We nearly had our own disaster as when we arrived at Kinepolis, the whole area was packed with people and it took us 20min to find a parking spot somewhere down one of the avenues around the cinema. Would be ok unless you get there only 15minutes before the movie... After turning for quite some time thinking "it's ok we're only missing the trailers" I finally saw a car with people getting in, i.e. a spot getting free. I stopped and waited patiently for the car to leave and when I'm ready to make my move I can see a car coming across blinking and speeding to get the slot. Now, it's a fight for death at this point as any further delay means missing the beginning of the movie, so I power through, I cross the road and put my car right in the middle of the road and half on the spot :) I didn't care I was on the wrong side nor blocking the street, I was not going to let a guy in a BMW take MY spot.
We rushed to the movie theater only to find out that so many people were late that they decided to start 15min later. Thus we were in time!
Now what about the movie? a bit disapointing I have to say. Despite all the critical elements being there the movie was missing some energy and there were some boring moments. Not to mention none of the main characters / actors was really convincing.
It's a pity because when you're doing a movie about the end of the world and you have:
- internal melt down of the planet earth
- earthquakes by dozen
- mega ashes clouds
- volcano and lava everywhere
- tsunamis
- and even ice storm
you wonder how you can not succeed...

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