Sunday, November 9, 2008

Photo taking - Lesson 1

As you may now I have acquired a new camera since I am in China. I moved away from my Canon Powershot A80, a compact one, to a Canon EOS 450D. Now I have this great camera with zillions of functions / parameters and honestly don't really know how to use them :) It's a pity to buy such a camera and use only the full automatic mode... Yesterday I picked up my 1st visitor in Beijing: Wolfram, who by the way was the one who told me what camera to get. Needless to say when it comes to taking pictures he knows what he is talking about. So I asked him to show me how to use my camera.
1st of all let's face it we have very different approach when it comes to taking pictures. I just take whatever I see, like, find interesting, leading to hundreds of pictures each time. He on the other hand takes few pictures and think about what he is doing, what is the right angle, light, etc. As much as I agree about thinking before taking a picture, I will not give up on taking whatever I want even if it's a silly picture.
So the lesson of the day was with the zoom lens. I had to take a picture of a soldier with Mao in the background and play around to get only one of them focused at a time. erg. After a good half an hour of trying (and I won't tell you how many pictures I had to trash), here is the result of my assignment. What do you think?
And because one cannot go against his nature, I took some more pictures out my assignment :)
I especially like the one of the woman from the monument from the people. Somehow I am fascinated by her face.


rajah said...

dommage que l'on ne puisse aggrandir toutes les photos pour donner une note générale. Elles sont très belles

Anonymous said...

Fixed. Must have been a bug in the system.