Saturday, June 11, 2011

Training started

After our successful 20K of Brussels, Alice and I are highly motivated to repeat our achievement in Paris. Thus we enrolled ourselves to the 20K of Paris, on October 9th. Another big element of motivation is that the race will take you through Paris and that should make it an enjoyable race. Can't wait to be at the Eiffel tower!

This time however we will train. Basically we have a bit more than 3 months to be ready and one target: 20km in 2h45min i.e. an average speed of 7.3km/h (for comparison our average speed in Brussels was 6.92km/h).
Doesn’t seem much but last night I tried 7.3km/h for 1 hour on the treadmill and it’s hard. From 6.9 to 7.2km/h it’s faster but manageable. 7.3km/h for some reasons is harder.

So we’ve got 120 days to train on walking at least at 7.3km/h. Let the fun begin!

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