Thursday, September 30, 2010

4.5 and 4.2

Tonight we're trying a new cat food: Indoor 27 which is supposed to be lower in calories and help reduces the smell when our dear cats' pee (not sure it will make a difference but we can always give it a shot).
Before feeding them with this new dry food we had to weigh the cats. If we feed them with "diet" dry food, we need to make sure they get the right quantity.
Wolfram got the scale and I stepped on it with Mokka. Verdict: 4.5kg :( I had the feeling she was growing fat... now I have evidence of it.
Muffin on the other hand tried to play it smart and rushed to the loo first. Therefore he only weighs 4.2 kg.
I don't even want to think of what the vet will say...

Of course new food was gone in no time and 1 hour later, Mokka was already asking for more food. This cat is a non-stop eating machine with 4 legs :)


Patzi said...

Why don't you feed them wet food?
Sure it's more expensive, but dry food is for cats, what dried fruits and nuts are for us. Condensed calories.
That is one reason our cats get dry food only as a treat.
And the other one is that they stink extremely, if they get too much dry ood. Not with wet food though :-)
You are what you eat, even with cats :-)

Elvis said...

unser kater jimmy hat von trockenfutter probleme mit seiner nierenfunktion bekommen.

genau dasselbe hatte der vorherige, der daran gestorben ist.
zu trockenfutter gehört einiges an wasser und ob das die katzen ausreichend trinken, glaube ich nicht.

Patzi said...

no, cats aren't really used to drink water in that amount that they would need when they eat dry food.
cats get the water from their food, because in nature there is no dry food, the food they would hunt and did hunt over millions of years is moist. So no need to drink.
that's why cats can get kidney problems and kidney failure when eating dry food